Thursday, February 16, 2006

Yahoo! :: UI Library

Often linked to their new Design Patterns Library, Yahoo! Released a UI library under bsd licensing today. How does it compare to Prototype?

The Prototype examples win hands down and Rico is over the top. Thanks Sabre!

[Normally I'd post this type of stuff and my earlier post on the Yahoo! Design Patterns Library to Haystack, but I'm trying to illustrate something here: Sabre and Yahoo both think it is a good idea to give this stuff away. And this stuff is core Ajax functionality. Focus.

Design Patters :: Yahoo! 'Patterns'

Yahoo! delivered an a Design Pattern Library under a creative commons license. I have only inspected one 'pattern' so far, but it looks like a good start. Unfortunately, their notion of 'pattern' is shallow, there is no mention of pattern language (although that is sort of what they are providing), so the effect is at least as much a description of modules or components as patterns. This effect is accentuated by their simultaneous release of a code library under a bsd license. Still, overall, the effect will be positive for developers with short term objectives.

SiteMesh :: decorators and composites for site integration

Integration of pages from multiple sites is neither easy nor pretty. As the SiteMesh docs explain:
There are many web application platforms that are in common use, and even more frameworks. Typically, a web-application is built for a specific framework on a specific platform (e.g. using custom JSP tag-libraries on the J2EE platform, a custom Perl collaboration API using CGI, or a pre-written application using PHP). A web-site may usually consist of many web- applications built with a variety of technologies.
The SiteMesh Overview provides a clear visual example of their approach and solution.

Sounds great, looks like I might want to use it, but what are the Ajax issues?

I ran into SiteMesh because of its use on the Grails project, which is a Rails-inspired framework for Java/Groovy.