Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Ruby on Rails (RoR) :: The Unofficial FAQ

In honor of the release of Ruby on Rails 1.0, I have provided a brief FAQ.

Is RoR a transformation technology?

or Is RoR a social movement?


RoR brings simplicity to the LAMP/XAMP stack.
RoR helps developers focuses on domain problems, not technology. [ If you are in business, your domain is your business. If you are a neuroscientist, neurons are your domain. If you are an architect, buildings, doors, and windows are your domain.]
RoR is a portable foundation (Windows/Linux/OS/X) for building internet applications significantly simpler than is common with conventional (Java, .Net, and even LAMP) tools. Its creeping into many projects and companies to augment or replace those tools.
At this point things are a bit weird, because not everyone is talking about how they are multiplying the productivity of their developers.
Can you think of any companies that might not want to brag about their progress to their competitors?

What is a Ruby and who needs one on a rail road track?
The Ruby we are talking about here is a programming language, a beautiful programming language, like its name sake is a beautiful piece of gravel. Ruby has characteristics [objects, closures/blocks, iterators] that make it easy to write short, clear, programs -- largely because they make it easy to write programs about programs, objects, and functions. The Rails parts comes in because all that power means it can be hard to do simple things in a simple way. RoR is a set of conventions, with supporting tools, that help programmers do simply things simply; even better, its easy for RoR programmers do things in the same simple way.

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