Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Big New Wireless Spectrum Expected to Open for Internet of Things This Week

Big New Wireless Spectrum Expected to Open for Internet of Things This Week: "The FCC will meet on Thursday to vote on a proposal to open up a larger swath of wireless spectrum to licensing than was opened at the dawn of TV remote controls, baby monitors, cordless phones and WiFi networks. The most likely candidates to fill that new spectrum are connected devices, or the Internet of Things, which are now coming online faster than new human subscribers to leading mobile phone networks.

'This will also be a platform for innovators and entrepreneurs,' FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski told the New York Times in an in-depth report last week. 'There is every chance of this leading to the development of one or more billion-dollar industries.' Beyond the possible economic impact, the move may have substantial cultural consequences, as the spectrum is opened up through which our refrigerators, toasters, exercise equipment and city streets can publish data about their activities to the Internet.


SM度チェッカー said...


出逢い said...
